Enhancing Special Education Services

Enhancing Special Education Services

July 13, 20237 min read

“Supplementary aids and services provide the necessary tools for students with disabilities to thrive in inclusive educational settings.”


Exploring Additional Related Services in Special Education In the realm of special education, it is crucial to provide comprehensive support to students with disabilities. While academic instruction forms the core of their educational journey, additional related services play a pivotal role in addressing their unique needs and facilitating their overall development. These services, encompassing a wide range of disciplines and expertise, work in tandem with educators and parents to ensure that students with disabilities receive the individualized support they require to thrive. In this blog post, we will delve into the various additional related services available in special education, understanding their importance and the positive impact they can have on students' lives.

Enhancing Special Education Services

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology plays a significant role in supporting students with disabilities. IDEA ensures that assistive technology devices and services are made available to students who require them as part of their special education. These devices and services are determined on a case-by-case basis during the IEP meeting, taking into account the individual needs of each student.

Requirements under the Tech Act

The Tech Act focuses on providing assistive technology to individuals with disabilities to facilitate their active participation ineducation, employment, and daily activities. The Act was reauthorized in 2014, removing the previous requirement for reapplication. Each state has an Assistive Technology Act Project (ATAP) that receives funding to provide assistive technology resources and support. ATAPs offer information on products, low-cost loans, and technical support for equipment. They also ensure alternative funding sources and legal assistance if services are wrongfully denied.

Strategies to Obtain Assistive Technology

There are several avenues to access assistive technology. Federal mandates, such as Vocational Rehabilitation, provide support for individuals with disabilities. Government programs like IDEA and ATAP also offer resources and funding opportunities. Social Security benefits can assist with the purchase of assistive technology, and regional resources provided by states and communities are available. Nonprofit organizations specializing in assistive technology services can provide valuable assistance as well. It is essential to explore multiple funding sources to secure the necessary assistive technology for students with disabilities.


Supporting Hearing Impaired Students Audiologists play a vital role in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) evaluation process, providing valuable insights into the hearing capabilities of students. They offer a range of services, including identifying hearing loss, fitting amplification aids, and conducting rehabilitation activities. Audiologists also provide counseling and guidance to students, their families, and educators, while implementing prevention programs to mitigate potential hearing issues.

Counseling Services

Nurturing Social-Emotional Well-being Counseling services are essential in fostering the social-emotional well-being of students with disabilities. Defined within special education, these services are provided by qualified professionals who understand the unique challenges faced by these students. Through individual and group counseling, these professionals empower students, help them navigate their emotions, and equip them with coping strategies. Counseling services also extend to collaborating with parents, educators, and other related service providers to create a supportive ecosystem for students.

Early Identification and Assessment of Disabilities in Children

The Power of Early Intervention Early identification and assessment play a pivotal role in identifying children with disabilities at the earliest stage possible. It involves establishing screening programs and mechanisms that identify at-risk children and provide them with individualized assessment services. Recognizing developmental delays is crucial, as it helps pave the way for early intervention, setting the stage for optimal growth and development.

Interpreting Services

Bridging Communication Gaps For children who are deaf or hard of hearing, interpreting services are essential for effective communication. These services encompass various modes, including oral transliteration, cued language transliteration, and sign language transliteration. Additionally, assistive technology options further enhance communication accessibility for students with hearing impairments.

Medical Services

Ensuring Health Support in the Educational Setting Medical services form an integral part of special education, with schools shouldering responsibilities in providing necessary medical support to children with disabilities. Schools work in tandem with healthcare professionals to ensure that students receive the required medical attention. Reimbursement from private and public health insurance further aids in covering the cost of health-related services.

Occupational Therapy

Enhancing Skills and Independence Occupational therapy services cater to the development of motor skills, sensory processing, and self-help behaviors. Occupational therapists play a crucial role in early intervention and work towards fostering independence among students with disabilities. Through targeted interventions, these professionals assist students in improving their motor skills, sensory integration, and daily living activities.

Orientation and Mobility Services

Safely Navigating the World Orientation and mobility services cater to the needs of blind or visually impaired children, enabling them to navigate their surroundings safely. These services equip students with crucial skills and techniques for independent travel, promoting self-reliance and fostering a sense of confidence in various environments.

Parent Counseling and Training

Empowering Parents as Partners Parent counseling and training are vital components of special education, recognizing the critical role parents play in their child's educational journey. By providing parents with the necessary skills and knowledge, educators and related service providers empower them to actively participate in their child's education. Collaboration among parents, educators, and service providers creates a strong support system that maximizes student success.

Physical Therapy

Enhancing Motor Skills and Mobility Physical therapy services focus on improving motor skills, mobility, and coordination in students with disabilities. By implementing tailored interventions and exercises, physical therapists contribute to the development of essential physical capabilities. These interventions can take place in various educational settings, ensuring that students receive the necessary support to overcome physical challenges.

Psychological Services

Fostering Emotional Well-being and Behavioral Support Psychological services in special education encompass assessments, consultations, and counseling provided by school psychologists. These professionals collaborate with educators and parents to develop positive behavioral intervention strategies, fostering emotional well-being and creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Recreation Services

Promoting Engagement and Inclusion Recreation services play a pivotal role in promoting engagement, skill development, and inclusion for students with disabilities. Through assessments and interventions, professionals ensure that students can actively participate in recreational activities, fostering physical and social development. Inclusive programs in schools and community agencies further enable full participation and enrich the lives of students with disabilities.

Rehabilitation Counseling Services

Paving the Path to Independence Rehabilitation counseling services focus on career development, employment preparation, and the overall integration of students with disabilities into the workplace and community. These services, often provided by vocational rehabilitation programs, help students achieve independence and fulfill their potential.

School Health Services and School Nurse Services

Ensuring Comprehensive Health Support School health and nurse services are integral to ensuring comprehensive health support for students with disabilities. School nurses play a crucial role in managing health-related needs and working with students, families, and educators to create a safe and healthy learning environment. Access to health services is a fundamental aspect of providing students with disabilities a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

Social Work Services

Holistic Support for Students and Families Social work services in schools focus on holistic support for students and families. Social workers assess social and developmental histories, provide counseling services, and mobilize resources to enable optimal learning environments. Collaboration with parents and other stakeholders fosters effective support and the development of positive behavioral intervention strategies.

Speech-Language Pathology Services

Unlocking Communication Potential Speech-language pathology services, commonly known as speech therapy, address speech and language impairments in students. These services include assessments, diagnosis, habilitation, and referrals for students with communication challenges. Counseling and guidance for parents, children, and teachers enhance effective communication strategies and support.


Enabling Access to Education Transportation is a critical related service that ensures students with disabilities can access educational programs. Whether it involves travel to and from school, movement within school buildings, or the use of specialized equipment, transportation support facilitates the inclusion and participation of students with disabilities.

Understanding the Difference Between Modifications and Accommodations

Distinguishing between modifications and accommodations is vital in special education. Accommodations refer to changes in the environment, curriculum format, or equipment that enable students with disabilities to access content and complete tasks. Modifications, on the other hand, involve changes to the curriculum itself. By understanding these differences, educators can tailor instructional approaches to meet the diverse needs of their students effectively.


Empowering Students through Additional Related Services In conclusion, additional related services in special education play a vital role in supporting students with disabilities. From audiology to speech-language pathology, these services address various aspects of a student's needs, ensuring their holistic development and success. By understanding the diverse range of services available and their impact on students' lives, educators, parents, and service providers can collaborate effectively to create an inclusive and supportive educational environment. By harnessing the power of additional related services, we empower students with disabilities to reach their full potential and thrive in their educational journey. Together, let us embrace the significance of these services and work towards providing every student with the support they need to succeed.

Related servicesSupport servicesSpecial education supportDisability servicesEducational interventions
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Michelle Harris

Michelle is the founder of Parent Alliance for Students with Exceptional Needs (PASEN). She is an author, trainer, and Non Attorney Special Education Advocate. (NASEA). Parent Alliance for Students with Exceptional Students (PASEN) is meant purely for educational or medical discussion. It contains information about legal or medical matters; however, it is not professional legal or medical advice and should not be treated as such. Limitation of warranties: The legal and medical information on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. PASEN makes no representations or warranties in relation to the legal or medical information on the website. Professional assistance: You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to legal or medical advice from your attorney or medical provider. If you have any specific questions about any legal or medical matter, you should consult your attorney or medical service provider.

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