You can choose between a Bronze and a Silver Membership. You can see the benefits of each membership below.
Our New Client Intake Form is your opportunity to tell us everything you can about your child and their educational situation. There is a place to upload documents and explain, in detail, your situation.
The Client Contract lays out what our experienced advocates can and cannot do for you. The contract also explains our billing process so there won't be any suprise invoices.
Current IEP or 504 plan
last comprehensive evaluation report by the school
any private evaluation reports of importance
behavior/incidence reports
behavior plan/functional behavior assessment
copy/forward of emails/prior written notices you think would be helpful
parent input/concerns (Any other information you think would be helpful for our advocate to know)
By signing our contract, you can rest assured that you and your child's education are in capable hands. Our goal is to help you navigate the complex world of special education, and our contract ensures that we are all on the same page and working toward the same goals.